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It's almost time for your campaign!


Your Fan Cloth catalogs are on the way! You should be receiving them in the next few days.

After years of helping schools get the funding they need, one thing we’ve learned is that getting parents involved is a major key to success. We’ve added a special insert into the catalogs for parents this year to help facilitate this. You can find this letter here.

Along with the insert, we’ve drafted a letter for you to send out to parents that you can easily copy and paste into an email. This letter will help introduce them to the program and provide them with tips on how they can best support the team’s fundraising goals.

Here are a few more helpful reminders to aid in your fundraising success:

  • Make sure that your students are aware of the incentives they can earn.
    • Incentives will ship directly to you, separate from the merchandise orders.
  • Remember, the profit margin increases as you sell more items.
  • Share your online shop link as often as possible via social media, email, text and your organization’s website, so that your fans have every opportunity possible to support your campaign. Additionally, encourage your team and their families to share the link on your behalf!
  • Remind your team that this may be the only opportunity to order and sell items this season.
  • Let your team know the profit goal and how the funds will be used to help the team.
  • Keep track of your sale using the coach's dashboard. -- this dashboard will remain live even after the closing of the sale to reference order and campaign details.

We know you and your supporters will love the merchandise as well as our program. Please reach out if you have any questions.

Along with your marketing materials and catalogs, you will be receiving another email with the link to your online store and your coach's dashboard -- when the shop goes live!

Be on the look out for a phone call. A kickoff specialist will reach out to help get your campaign off the ground.

Your Fan Cloth Support Team
E: service@fancloth.com

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Expect In A Few Days

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